Clinical Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy is known as the “orthodox alternative” therapy – “orthodox” because it is widely used by the medical profession and “alternative” because physiotherapists utilise a growing number of complementary forms of medicine and treatment methods such as massage, manipulation, acupuncture, reflex therapy and therapeutic exercise. Doctors have recognised physiotherapy as a major contributor to health care and an accepted supplement to medicine and surgery. Physiotherapy is a ray of hope to many a person confined either to the wheel chair or to the bed. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation form a very important part of total patient care and cure, especially following accidents and injury.
At the Physiotherapy Unit, the physiotherapists carefully analyse problems taking a holistic approach understanding how each separate problem impacts the person’s lifestyle at work and at leisure. They not only attend to the problem but, more importantly, spend time with the patient advising them how to stop the problem from recurring. The moving force in this unit therefore is the staff whose personal mission is to make a near-immobile patient capable of movement.
FS Endo Diabetes has one of the best physiotherapy department designed to cure chronic backaches, which may occur due to a variety of reasons like problems in the abdominal area, spinal cord, blood vessels, bones and discs. Causes could also be psychosomatic or due to stress and poor posture.
Managed by a team of Physiotherapists and Doctors, the FS Endo Diabetes helps patients identify the root of the problem and provide a scientific explanation for lower back pain. More serious causes of lower back pain can include infection, stress fractures etc., which are identified through medical evaluation. Investigation apart, the Back School facilitates group discussions amidst patients where they participate in group activities and exercises to get back to normalcy.